About Spotting Cancer

Spotting Cancer Corporation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization devoted to reducing cancer deaths worldwide.

SpottingCancer.Org History

Jerry Karp founded SpottingCancer.Org due to his own family’s survival success of spotting cancer early. Therefore, as a family, they decided to fund the nonprofit organization Spotting Cancer Corporation to reduce cancer mortality.

Specifically, the goal of the website is to educate the public on how to contain cancer to Stage 0 or Stage 1 by following our 5-step process.

This is done by providing information and methods that will empower individuals, regardless of age, to monitor their bodies regularly between checkups or scheduled screenings in hopes of detecting cancer signs and symptoms early.


Our focus is to provide general information—not medical advice—on the following:

A Note From Founder Jerry Karp

My family has been personally affected by cancer for more than four generations. Members of the first two generations died quickly after being diagnosed by doctors because the cancer was not spotted early, so they could not have the necessary medical procedures that could have eradicated their diseases.

As for myself, I am a two-time cancer survivor and have just celebrated my 10th year in remission from my second bout with cancer. I have survived because I have learned, along with my family, how to spot cancer signs and symptoms. Our family has also learned the importance of monitoring our bodies between scheduled doctor visits and screenings.

At the age of 46, I spotted a pinhead amount of blood in my stool—one of the primary signs of cancer. I immediately contacted my doctor who determined, through further testing, that cancerous polyps caused the bleeding. The doctor recommended surgery to eliminate the disease with no chemo or radiation treatments. This allowed me to maintain my normal, everyday life. As suggested by my medical team, I kept up with scheduled medical visits and screenings.

Not taking anything for granted, I constantly checked my body for signs between visits, and nearly 19 years later, I discovered another tumor. Fortunately, and for the second time, I spotted the cancer at Stage 1. This allowed the doctors to surgically remove the cancerous tumor before it spread. As the result of knowing how to check my body for possible signs of cancer, I have survived for more than 25 years since my first diagnosis—and I have done it without needing chemotherapy or radiation. Unfortunately, several friends who lacked this information have not survived the deadly disease.

My daughters are also aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer, and they know how to monitor their bodies. This knowledge has saved the lives of two of my daughters.

After having a low-grade temperature for a month and feeling constantly tired, one of my daughters thoroughly checked her body and noticed spots in her throat. She contacted her doctor immediately. After several tests, it was concluded that she had lymphoma. The treatments were started immediately before the cancer had a chance to spread past Stage 1.

My other daughter is also a success story. Having witnessed my cancer at a young age, she realized the importance of having routine, preventative screenings. During a scheduled colonoscopy, her doctor detected premalignant polyps, which were removed before becoming fully cancerous. She is now on a prescribed screening schedule watch to stay at Stage 0.

Knowing how to detect cancer early and taking quick medical action are the reasons the three of us are alive today.

Want to inspire your family and friends to #SpotandSurvive? Join the Cancer Detection Squad!

Jerry's Family History


Follow the 5 steps to develop the #SpotandSurvive habit that saved Jerry's life