Spotting Cancer Blog
Breast Cancer Survivors’ Follow Up: Needs-Based 2021 Survey
One of the toughest things breast cancer survivors face is the risk of their breast cancer coming back or the possibility of developing an unrelated, second cancer.
Is Pain-free Cancer Treatment In Our Future?
Cancer treatment without the dreaded side effects sounds like a dream come true, but researchers suggest that it may be on the horizon within the next decade.
Can Exercise Help Prevent Cancer?
You’ve heard it before, exercising is good for you. It’s a proven fact that exercising for at least 20 minutes a day can benefit your overall health and prevent some diseases–possibly even cancer.
What’s in Your Family?
You probably have your mother’s eyes or your dad’s nose, or even your aunt’s smile. Maybe both you and your cousin’s pinky toe is slightly bigger than the one next to it.
What Do Seatbelts and Cancer Have in Common?
Car accidents and cancer don’t go together like peanut butter and jelly, but they do have some common denominators.
How to Find Low-Cost Cancer Screening
Do you get dizzy and see dollar signs whenever you think of scheduling a doctor’s appointment? Visits to the doctor can be expensive, especially when it comes to medical testing.
Download Our Spot and Survive Guides Free Now!
Learn the signs to potentially save yours and your family’s life.
Join a Movement Committed to Ending Unnecessary Cancer Deaths
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