Spotting Cancer

Help Us Share Life-Saving Information

We are entirely funded by donations, and your generous gift will help us create more FREE resources to encourage individuals and families to #SpotandSurvive.

A family member, friend, coworker, or stranger could be saved by information on early detection YOU help get into their hands

Spotting Cancer is a non-profit organization with a passion for disseminating vital information about early cancer detection. We believe that by supplying others with valuable resources about the importance of habitual body monitoring, regular cancer screenings, and knowing the signs and symptoms of cancer, we can save lives.

Here is what we're up against:

100% of all donations are used to educate and encourage individuals to implement the five-step self-monitoring program for early detection and timely treatment of cancer.

The corporation is registered as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) entity and therefore all donations are tax-deductible.

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Download Our Spot and Survive Guides Free Now!

Learn the signs to potentially save yours and your family’s life.

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Hear from Spotting Cancer founder Jerome Karp about how he beat cancer twice through early cancer detection