Step 2: Monitor Your Body

Monitoring your body regularly can help spot cancer early and save your life.
Monitor your breast



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Step 1: TOUCH

Check the OUTER HALF of your right breast. Lie down and roll on to your left side to examine your right breast. Place your right hand, palm up on your forehead. Your breast should lie as flat on your chest as possible. It may be easier and more comfortable if you put a pillow behind your shoulder or back.

Using the flat pads of your three middle fingers—not the tips—move the pads of your fingers in little circles, about the size of a dime. For each little circle, change the amount of pressure so you can feel ALL levels of your breast tissue. Make each circle three times—once light, once medium, and once deep—before you move on to the next area.

Start the circles in your armpit and move down to just below the bra line. Then slide your fingers over—just the width of one finger and move up again. Don’t lift your fingers from your breast as you move them to make sure you feel the entire area. Continue this up-and-down vertical strip pattern—from your collarbone to just below your bra line—until you reach the nipple.

Check the INNER HALF of your right breast. When you reach the nipple, remove pillow and roll onto your back, remove your hand from your forehead and place this arm at a right angle (see drawing). Carefully check the nipple area using the same circular pressures as before, without squeezing. Then examine the remaining breast tissue using the up-and-down vertical strip pattern, until you reach the middle of your chest. Place your non-palpating hand down at your side, make a row of circles above and below your collarbone, working from your shoulder to your mid-line.

Roll on to your right side and repeat these steps on your left breast, using your right hand.

Step 2: LOOK

Stand in front of a mirror and look closely at your breasts in the following three positions, viewing from the right and left as well as facing forward. Check for changes in the following:

Arms raised above your head bending forward, and

Place hands on your hips and hunch over.

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Take Action!!

Should you spot any signs, consider them a “red flag.” It does not mean you have cancer. If signs do not disappear within one week, contact your medical team for a professional evaluation.

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when you download and use our guides

Get the Breasts – Women Monitoring Guide

Increase the chances of successful treatment when you spot cancer early! Download the Breast Monitoring Guide for Women and start monitoring your breasts today!

Get the Complete Body Monitoring Guide

Download the Complete Body Monitoring Guide to keep track of your body’s changes. The guide includes interactive charts and body monitoring guidelines.

Save a Body Monitoring and Screening & Testing schedule

Regular monitoring and testing is a life-saving habit. Save a Body Monitoring and Screening & Testing schedule to your Google Calendar or iCalendar to stay on track!