Step 2: Monitor Your Body

Monitoring your body regularly can help spot cancer early and save your life.
Monitor your oral mouth & throat





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Spot Cancer

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Take Action

Should you notice any changes, signs, or symptoms. consider them “red flags”. They do not mean you have cancer. Repeat test. If there is no improvement, contact your dentist or medical team for a professional evaluation.

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when you download and use our guides

Get Your Mouth, Tongue, And Throat Monitoring Guide

Increase the chances of successful treatment when you spot cancer early! Download the Oral Monitoring Guide and start monitoring your mouth, tongue, and throat today!

Get the Complete Body Monitoring Guide

Download the Complete Body Monitoring Guide to keep track of your body’s changes. The guide includes interactive charts and body monitoring guidelines.

Save a Body Monitoring and Screening & Testing schedule

Regular monitoring and testing is a life-saving habit. Save a Body Monitoring and Screening & Testing schedule to your Google Calendar or iCalendar to stay on track!